Get to know Emma #1

1. I rescued a bunny from a family who did not take care of him, his name is Bentley.
2. Iam afraid of Bridges, horses, clowns and tight areas – claustrophobia.
3. When I was a little girl I wanted to be a lawyer
4. Iam currently writing a childbook/ children’s book :)
5. Iam a sugarholic, I crave sodas like crazy ( sugar )

Swedish Translation

1. Jag har räddat en kanin från en familj som inte tog hand om han, hans namn är Bentley.
2. Jag är livrädd för broar, hästar, clowner och små utrymmen - klaustrofobi
3. När jag var en liten flicka ville jag bli advokat
4. Jag skriver för tillfället en barnbok
5. Jag är en socker-oholic. Jag har konstant sug efter läsk (socker)

THANK YOU for commenting my blog. But before you ask me a whole lot of questions
who you seek answer for, so please read this;

Where do I edit my photos / make blogposts?
I use Photoshop CS5

What do you use when you take pictures?
I use my two systemcameras Canon EOS 450D & Canon EOS1100D,
the cellphone right now is Samsung Galaxy S3

Do you have other blogs, I recognize your name.
Yes I have! I used to have blog with my name and after that I've created many blogs that I thought I would keep alive but never really got "stuck" with the urls I chosed. So I created blogs and than abended them. Lol! I also used to blog on wordpress but I decided to move my blog here because I wanted to be able to be personal and have personal themes etc.

Remember you?

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Message / Comment
:-) :-( :-P :-d :-O ;-) ;-s ;-( :-| :question: :rolleyes: :love: :blush: :mad: :cool: :tired: :bigeyes: :thumbup: :thumbdown: ;-P
