22 Fun Nail Arts

How cute aren’t these nails? Summer feeling deluxe! I've been looking around on the internet on ideas for summer nails just to keep the summer feeling now when it's dark and cold outside! I hate having my nails painted but I love looking around the net and see amazing made nail art! I especially love the marine / sailor design! I’ll maybe do my nails after this :)
Link to the site where I found these cute nail designs HERE
Swedish Translation
Hur söta är inte dessa naglar? Sommar känsla deluxe! Jag har tittar runt på internet på olika idéer för sommar naglar, bara för att behålla sommarkänslan nu när det är mörkt och kallt ute. Jag hatar att ha mina naglar målade men jag älskar att titta runt på internet och se fantastiska nagel arts. Jag speciellt älskar det marina / sailor designen på naglarna. Kanske jag målar mina naglar efter detta :)
who you seek answer for, so please read this;
I use Photoshop CS5
What do you use when you take pictures?
I use my two systemcameras Canon EOS 450D & Canon EOS1100D,
the cellphone right now is Samsung Galaxy S3
Do you have other blogs, I recognize your name.
Yes I have! I used to have blog with my name and after that I've created many blogs that I thought I would keep alive but never really got "stuck" with the urls I chosed. So I created blogs and than abended them. Lol! I also used to blog on wordpress but I decided to move my blog here because I wanted to be able to be personal and have personal themes etc.
vilken fin blogg du har!