Nått som jag ofta drömmer om är att ha ett stort och ljust kök. En plats med stora ytor och mycket plats att arbeta på. Mitt kök är väldigt litet, trångt och dessutom är det i färgen gult med nå hemsk färg på skåpluckorna. Inte fint kan jag lova. Men eftersom jag hyr lägenheten hos nått företag (tänker inte skriva namn för då listas det ut automatiskt vart jag bor) så får man inte göra vad man vill, så därför får jag sitta och sucka lite till i tystnaden tills jag köpt ett hus i framtiden som jag kan göra om hur mycket jag vill (inom rimliga gränser). Hur skulle ditt drömkök se ut? Om du fick bestämma HUR det skulle se ut, storlek osv. Berätta gärna i kommentar.
English translation // Something I often dream of is to have a big and bright kitchen. A place with big areas and a lot of space to work on. My kitchen is very small, crowded and in color yellow with some horrible mixed colors on the cabins. It's not pretty, I can asure you. But just because I rent the apartment from a company (iam not gonna write the name of the company because then you will figure out automaticly where I live) so you don't have permission to do what you want, so there for I will be sitting and sigh a little in silence til the day I buy a house in the future for me to renovate how much I want (in limits). How would your dream kitchen look like? If you got to decide HOW it would look like, size etc? Please tell me in comment.
English translation // Something I often dream of is to have a big and bright kitchen. A place with big areas and a lot of space to work on. My kitchen is very small, crowded and in color yellow with some horrible mixed colors on the cabins. It's not pretty, I can asure you. But just because I rent the apartment from a company (iam not gonna write the name of the company because then you will figure out automaticly where I live) so you don't have permission to do what you want, so there for I will be sitting and sigh a little in silence til the day I buy a house in the future for me to renovate how much I want (in limits). How would your dream kitchen look like? If you got to decide HOW it would look like, size etc? Please tell me in comment.